Bridge magazine
As the founder and editor-in-chief of Bridge, I was responsible for oversight of 6 departmental editors; correspondence and liaison with all artist and writer submissions; read and review all writer and artists submissions; design and layout production; manage subscriber database; solicit subscribers and advertisers; gather and manage all advertiser assets; oversee and execute annual fundraiser; oversee 501 (c) (3) tax reporting obligations; liaison with committee members. Bridge won the 2003 Pushcart Prize for literary fiction and Aimee Bender's story from the issue appeared in the Pushcart XXVII anthology. Bridge also released a special-issue DVD collection insert that included the David Cronenberg short film "Camera," previously unreleased in the United States, as well as short films by Miranda July and Sterling Ruby, among many others. Interview subjects through the years include Kurt Vonnegut, Christo and Jean-Claude, Catherine Opie, and many others. A full list of contributors is listed on each issue's cover.